Freezer Cookbooks Are Here

Two of the three freezer cookbooks are here: Don't Panic-Dinner's in the Freezer and Fix, Freeze, Feast. In looking at Don't Panic-Dinner's in the Freezer, it calls for you to cook meats and such and basically, devote a day to cooking the meals to go in the freezer. It's also written more for people who are going to each prepare a few meals and trade with each other. I guess, if I could find a few people who also wanted to participate, that might be a nice option to supplement Dream Dinners.

Fix, Freeze, Feast is written more in the style of Dream Dinners, except that you typically prepare 3 meals worth of food for each recipe. This too would work well if others wanted to trade with each other. I've not spent enough time looking at the recipes to decide which ones I want to try, but I'll work on that tomorrow.


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