Dream Dinners Review - Normandy Pork Roast with Apples

Last night's dinner was Dream Dinners Normandy Pork Roast with Apples. I should've guessed that it was not going to go well when, upon opening the Ziploc bag, I thought, "Gee, this smells similar to the Maple Valley Pork Chops." I baked it for an hour, covered, then for 15 minutes uncovered. I removed it from the pan, and crushed the apples, with seasoning, while allowing it to sit for 10 minutes. I prepared carrots and mashed potatoes during that 10 minutes as well.

Once everything was on the table, Mac walked in, sniffed, gave the apples another sniff, and said, "What's that?" I explained, and his comment was, "Oh, I thought you took the leftovers from the Maple Valley Pork Chops and reheated it."

Apparently, the portions of the pork that didn't touch the apples were decent, and as Mac said, the mashed potatoes were good.

Same musty/moldy smell and taste as the Maple Valley Pork Chops. Yet another meal I will not order again.

Normandy Pork Roast with Apples - Served with carrots and mashed potatoes


  1. Read your comments about the smell. It's the thyme seasoning. Omit it or cut it in half and you'll be much more pleased with the meals! It took me awhile to figure that out and I'm so happy now that I did!

  2. Thank you! I'll try that next time, although perhaps not with these meals, but in future meals that include thyme!


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