Dream Dinners, April Experience

On Saturday, we ventured to Dream Dinners for our April session. I ordered a TON of meals, and barely fit everything into the freezer! Mac and I are going to have a LOT of cooking to do before our May session... In a slight change of events, this month, most of the meats were pre-bagged. The meats that were not pre-bagged were chicken strips, breaded chicken patties, and such. I assume those are all pre-cooked, and that the raw, frozen items were pre-bagged.

This saved a decent amount of time, and also meant that I didn't need all of the Ziploc bags I grabbed when I arrived, since I didn't need bags for the meats.

I'd guess that, in addition to being a convenience for the customers, it probably helps reduce shrink, in that it reduces the chances of someone taking extra meat, either intentionally or unintentionally.


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