Dream Dinners March Visit and Other Ramblings

Tiff and I headed to Dream Dinners for our March session on Thursday. This is the first time we've attended a weeknight session, but until the car issues, Mac and I had planned to be out in Philadelphia this past weekend. When the car issues started, we changed our plans, but opted not to change the session.

I ordered an extra 6-serving of the Southwest Pulled Pork with Confetti Cornbread, figuring that Mac and I really enjoyed it when it was the test recipe, so we'd enjoy the extra in the freezer! Wow, is it interesting to prepare. It's not difficult really, but it can be challenging to get the cornbread to spread across the pork mixture easily. I'm sure mine won't look anything like the Dream Dinners pictures, but I made the best of it! We're having that for dinner tonight.

The Orange Asian Chicken smelled wonderful, and we'll probably break that out of the freezer sooner, rather than later.

The Pesto Cheese Ravioli with Chicken and Walnuts is currently thawing, and that will be dinner tomorrow. We have enough leftovers that we probably don't need to worry about leftovers from it. Mac will have all of the walnuts. It was a Fast Lane Meal, so that was nice. It was one less meal to assemble there.

Tiff and I had fun, like usual, although we did find out that in May, she'll need to do her own order. I'm not sure if I'll ask Sonja if she wants to add hers to my order, or what. Amber is probably far enough along in her Dream Rewards progression that it doesn't make sense for her to jump to mine at this time.

One of our neighbors has a friend who offered to work on Mac's Jeep, so the neighbor drove it there yesterday. I'd anticipate having it back at some point this week. Until then, we're still operating with just one car.

We took the dogs for a nice, long, enjoyable walk yesterday. We walked about 1.6 miles, through a local state park. The dogs even got to wade into the lake. Cobaka loved that, and kept splashing and running in it, while Geno was not a huge fan. Once we got home, we relaxed for a bit, while both dogs slept. They were apparently very tuckered out after their grand adventure.

Mac and I watched the Penguins game last night. Well, he watched the whole thing. I watched into the third period, before I dozed off for a bit. During the first intermission, we gave Geno a bath, because he reeked of wet dog, with a mixture of assorted other gunk mixed into the smell. Blech!


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