Beef Barley Stew, an update

We'd been told that we might get upwards of 8-10 inches of snow yesterday, so I thought it would be a great day to have soup. Likewise, I knew I could toss the Beef Barley Stew in the crock pot at 4:30 AM, and it would still be warm when we got home.

I loved how easy it was to prepare. I simply emptied out the freezer bags into the crock pot, and then added 4 cups of water. I set the crock pot for 8 hours, low heat, after which it would simply revert to a "warm" setting, keeping it warm but not cooking it.

Mac dropped me off at work, because we were concerned that if we did receive that much snow, they'd close the base, and I wouldn't be able to make it up there in time to pick him up from the base. A coworker dropped me off at a local restaurant after work, so I could sit at their bar and at least play Buzztime Trivia. I figured that it would at least help me pass the time until Mac could venture down here, since he worked overtime.

While I was at the bar, I decided to splurge and order one of their half-price appetizers. Then, I started chatting to my bar-stool neighbor, and he paid for one of my drinks. When Mac arrived, he'd just left, and because I knew Mac would be extremely hungry, since lunch had been 8 hours before, I'd ordered a half-price appetizer for him. He ate that, we each drank a beer, and then headed home, exhausted.

The soup smelled amazing! The odor permeated the house, although even that wasn't enough to tempt me to eat anything else! Mac packaged up the soup, while I started on the dishes. He packed two small containers, one for each of us for lunch today, and then filled a large Ziploc reusable container as well. I'm figuring that we'll use that for lunch tomorrow or Saturday.

I'll actually add my review of the Beef Barley Stew when I try it for lunch today! I have a small package of garlic and cheese croutons that I'm going to use as a topping and some crunch.


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