Dream Dinners Chicken Marsala Review

We're still working through some of the April meals, so dinner last night was Dream Dinners Chicken Marsala with Mashed Potatoes. I'd prepared it back in December or some such, but traded it for the Fruit Stuffed Pork Loin.

It was very easy to prepare:
  1. Cook the chicken in a skillet
  2. Heat the mashed potatoes in a pan
  3. Add the sauce to the chicken, bring to a boil, then simmer for 10 minutes.
I prepared it while Mac was reloading. I told him dinner would be ready at 7, but figuring it might take a bit longer than the 20-25 minutes time to table, I started cooking a bit early. Rather, we ate dinner 20 minutes early!

This was the first time I've prepared a dish with mashed potatoes since they changed to pre-bagged mashed potatoes. I noticed that it seemed like there were less mashed potatoes than normal. I don't know if perhaps one of my bags wasn't filled quite as much, or if they cut back a bit. I would guess they probably cut back the amount a bit, as a cost saving measure, and probably figured most people wouldn't notice. I don't have a huge problem with it, as I don't order meals based on if it comes with sides. Rather, I generally pick up sides from the grocery store that I can microwave.

I served the Chicken Marsala with mixed veggies, as I wanted to be sure we had extra veggies, since I thought the mashed potatoes were lacking in quantity.

The chicken and sauce were nicely flavored, and I enjoyed the mushrooms in the sauce. There was enough sauce to use it as gravy for the mashed potatoes as well.

I'll definitely order this again.

Dream Dinners Chicken Marsala


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