Dream Dinners Review - Fully Loaded Chicken & Potato Soup with Breadsticks

For dinner on Wednesday, we tried the Dream Dinners Fully Loaded Chicken & Potato Soup with Breadsticks. This week has been crazy at work, and looking at the cooking instructions, I knew the soup wouldn’t take long to prepare. I simply preheated the oven to bake the breadsticks, heated the bacon until it was crisp, tossed the soup base (mashed potatoes and other yummy things) into a stock pot, allowed that to boil, then added the chicken and potatoes and allowed those to heat. Once it was ready, I topped it with cheese and bacon, and dinner was served!

I did add some black pepper to the soup as it was cooking, and Mac added a bit more once he’d tasted it. This was great comfort food, and it was so easy to prepare! I’m hoping this makes it back to the menu in December or January, so I can pick up a few orders of it. It would be great for a snowy day, especially if I had time to allow it to simmer for a while.

Dinner last night was the Old Fashioned Meatloaf with Twice Baked Potatoes. It seems they tweaked the Twice Baked Potatoes from the last time, because they were not as bland! This time, the meatloaf cooked in an hour, although I used a square baking pan, which allowed air to circulate around the meatloaf while baking.


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