Snow Day!!!

We currently have about 14 inches of snow since last night, and we are expecting another 3-5 according to the latest weather report. Mac knew by 4 PM yesterday that he'd be home today. My employer first sent an email at 6:15 reporting that we'd have a 2 hour delay, and then at 7:45 sent an email telling everyone to stay home.

I've been up since about 7:30, and Mac and I enjoyed a breakfast of cinnamon rolls and coffee, after the dogs enjoyed a frolic outside. Well, Cobaka enjoyed a frolic outside, while Geno ran out, took care of business, and immediately high-tailed it back to the porch. Not a surprise, as Geno loves snuggling in blankets while Cobaka loves colder spots in the house!

Around noon, I started working on the Hatch Valley Green Chili with Chicken that's our dinner tonight. I chopped up the chicken and tossed it in the crock pot with the chili starter. We're just having grilled cheese sandwiches and soup for lunch. It's perfect winter weather comfort food.

I took the dogs out around 1:30, and Geno did his business and came right back again. Cobaka ran around the yard like a madwoman, playing with neighbordog Ash and rolling around, digging and sprawling out in the snow! She pranced around, running, jumping, and belly-flopping in the snow! She spent probably 20 minutes running around in the snow before I finally convinced her to head inside. She did all sorts of zoomies and is now sprawled out on the spare bed!

Geno is enjoying having Mommy and Daddy home for the day and is sleeping with his butt against my leg. Snuggle bug!!


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