Updates and Other Things

I've been very busy with school, Eastern Star, the dogs, and cooking dinners for Mac's Blue Lodge. I just realized that I never posted an update after Mauser passed. Losing Mauser was so incredibly difficult. He passed at home, on Saturday, October 3. I still cry over him sometimes.

We swore we'd be a two dog house after Mauser, as Mauser was a last minute addition to save his life. Within two weeks, we'd both decided the house was too quiet, and decided that Mauser would send us a dog that he thought needed us, when he thought we were ready.

At the beginning of November, by chance, I saw a posting for Jackson, a 9-year-old German Shepherd mix, surrendered to Staten Island AC&C due to allergies. Mauser had been named Jackson at the Manhattan AC&C, but didn't answer to it, which is why we named him Mauser. A few begging messages, and this Jackson became ours too.

I picked him up in Matamoras, PA, while Mac was in Idaho, hunting. He didn't want to answer to Jackson for me, so we named him Schultz. Mac met him on Thanksgiving. He's his own dog, with his own personality, and his own way of doing things. He barks when we get home, until we open the door. He barks when we're in the basement and he's upstairs, like he wants to see us.

At the same time, he does things that Mauser did, like he's saying, "Mauser sent me." He loves Mauser's chair, he's dumb like Mauser (but so lovable), he needs to be picked up to be on the bed, and he loves to snuggle.

Eastern Star is going well. In May, I'll be installed as Associate Matron, and Mac as Associate Patron. I'll be in charge of Ways and Means.

Mac's now Worshipful Master of his Blue Lodge. I've been cooking dinner before their meetings each month. Last night was their Table Lodge, which was very fancy. That dinner was the one that concerned me the most. I'm thrilled it is over! It went well, and apparently there were a lot of compliments about the food.


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