Trump and Political Events

Mac and I are both registered Republican, and for once, it looks like the Pennsylvania primary will matter. I'm still undecided about who will get my vote, because I'm not really happy with any of the candidates, Democrat or Republican.

Last night, Donald Trump held a rally about half an hour from our house.Mac wanted to attend, so I agreed, figuring I'd keep an open mind, and at least listen to the rhetoric. The rally started at 7. By the time Mac got home and we ate dinner, we didn't arrive near the Farm Show Complex until 6:30. By that time, people were parking along the side roads. Every possible parking lot was being used, and people were being charged $10 to park in these lots. There were hundreds of people making their way to the complex and thousands in line at the complex. I decided I wasn't up for dealing with that many people, so Mac parked in front of the complex, hopped out, and I went off to enjoy a cup of coffee while he waited in line.

The line to enter the Farm Show Complex wound from the doors, back the sidewalk, to the edge of the building, and then around the parking lot twice. The auditorium holds about 7,600 people, and there were thousands still waiting to enter when the rally ended. There were about 15-20 protesters near the entrance, and Trump supporters as well.

When I picked up Mac after the rally, he was disappointed about not making it inside, but was still excited. I happened to pick him up right near where the protesters were, and right about the time our local media is reporting that things escalated between the protesters and Trump supporters. Oddly enough, we didn't hear any shouting or excitement. I think this is another case of the media exaggerating.

Please, if you have yet to vote, and are undecided, do your homework before voting. Dig deeper than just the standard media reports before making a decision. I still haven't made a decision on who to support, and probably won't until I'm standing in front of my voting machine on Tuesday. And, please, remember to vote!


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