So Much to Do!

It's been so long since I've found the time to write a blog entry! I apologize, but lately, I've been so exhausted that the thought of adding one more thing to my to do list causes me to shudder!

My mother is coming to visit this weekend, for the Best Kept Secrets of Berks County Tour. I feel like the house is a disaster (it isn't, but it isn't as clean as I'd like it for company), I'm sure I forgot something when packing my bags for tonight, and I know I'm running on less sleep than I'd like for having to drive and be awake until 10 or 11 tonight! I guess this is where coffee will be welcome!

I'm looking forward to having my mother visit, even if I'm stressing about the house! It'll be nice for her to have a weekend away from home, and we'll have a blast! We're staying in Reading tonight, so we can get an early start tomorrow without having to wake up at some horribly early hour! We'll head back home tomorrow, after shopping most of the day.

She's taking the train out here and back, so I'm a bit concerned about her trip as well. Yes, I worry. She's my mother, and I'm the one that suggested the train, in part so we didn't have to drive to Breezewood twice!

I still need to write my blog about my trip to the Masonic Village farm. That's a work in progress. I need to sit down, perhaps on Sunday afternoon, and write everything, then re-read and organize it. That trip was a blast, and I learned SO much!

In May, I was installed as Associate Conductress for my Eastern Star Chapter. This means that in 4 years, I'll be in charge for a year. June was my first full meeting in that position, and it wasn't too bad. I do have a ton of memorization work to do for September!

I also owe a few entries about Dream Dinners meals, my first few experiences with Plate Points, and all of that. A friend joined me at Dream Dinners in June, and that visit was interesting, but a bit annoying... They had new employees they were training, who really just got in the way, and well, I really wanted to explain everything to my friend, but was summarily dismissed, even though my friend would've preferred my help.

The dogs are doing well--we had a brief few days of discussion about adding a third dog. Mac really wants a Czechoslovakian Vlcak at some point, and happened to find one that was rescued by the breed group. We talked about it, and because they're so rarely in a rescue situation, we decided that if they still needed a home for him, we'd consider adopting him. He'd already been adopted, but I asked that they keep us in mind on the rare chance that they come across another one. I had to bite my tongue and simply say that we'd not looking to buy from a breeder at this point. It pained me to be that diplomatic about it!

Work is going well, although my desk looks like a paper factory exploded on it! I have so much paper on my desk, and every time I try to clean it off, I end up getting more paper piled onto my desk!

After this weekend, I really have to get the house organized, as a friend may be staying with us for a night in a few weeks. He's looking to move back, and if Mac and I can ever find a house we both love and buy it, he may rent our house...


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