When a Rescue Dog Passes Away

Thank goodness, at least as of when I left for work this morning, both of mine were still alive and kicking, so I'll reassure everyone that my two are fine!

I've mentioned before that Mac and I drive a lot of dogs on rescue transports. We drive because we know we're helping these dogs reach loving, welcoming homes. I also monitor some of these transports, so drivers know if we're on time, behind schedule, etc.

In one instance, many of us came together to drive several dogs from North Carolina to Pennsylvania and Maine, and the transport was featured on the Weekend TODAY Show. http://www.today.com/pets/rides-rescues-mutt-movers-transport-dogs-hundreds-miles-happy-homes-8C11097186 (If you pay attention, you can see a certain blogger's legs and hands while playing with Cole, the boxer around 2:50 of the video).

Occasionally, the rescue will send an email a while after the transport with an update on the dog(s) and their new home(s). Sometimes, the update isn't great, as was the case with Sophia, from the TODAY Show run. She passed away 6 weeks or so after getting to her rescue, but at least she knew she was safe and loved!

Thanks to a few transports, I've become friends with the new furparents, and have loved seeing photos and updates of these rescue dogs now living great, spoiled lives. On one transport, Mac and I drove two beagles, Lady and Lucy, on one leg of their transport from New Jersey to Ohio, but their final destination was really Colorado. Their Mom and Dad were willing to drive from Colorado to Ohio to meet them, so you can only imagine the love and life these two girls got to have!

I remember this transport specifically because we picked up Lady and Lucy, and then handed them off to another driver, who handed us two dogs from Cobaka and Geno's old shelter for our return trip home! I also remember this transport because I became friends with Lady and Lucy's Mom! She'd post photos of them on Facebook, living the good life with their beagle brothers, and romping around or relaxing around the house.

Unfortunately, recently, her status indicated that Lady had passed away. My heart breaks for her. I cried, reading her post, and knowing what a great life she'd given to Lady, and even knowing that Lady got to know love and happiness for part of her life.

So, if you have furbabies, hug them a little tighter tonight, give them an extra kiss, and a treat, and tell them you love them!


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